As the summer nears an end and you start preparing the kids for back-to-school, it’s easy to forget about what needs to be done around the house.
Getting back into quick breakfasts in the kitchen, rushed after-school runs to extra-curricular activities, and nightly homework bonding time can feel dizzying, especially when you’ve had all summer off.
But, with a few tweaks to your home before the new year starts, the transition back-to-school can become that little bit easier, both for you and your kids.
Keep reading to learn our top 5 tips on how to prepare your house for back-to-school that can make a huge difference.
#1. Create homework spaces that support success

A good homework space doesn’t have to be huge. It’s all about the vibe. Generally, minimalist spaces are best for inspiring productivity, but it’s important to add some life so it doesn’t feel too drab!
It’s also good to consider what environment your child works best in, so get them involved in creating/renewing their workspace, if you can.
Sometimes, the best homework spaces:
- Are close to a window, with natural light seeping in
- Have houseplants to add nature
- Contain some décor, like open shelving or storage boxes
- Aren’t distracting (e.g., don’t have their toys all around them)
- Have space to keep pencil holders, pens, and notepads
- Display several (if not all) items your child has chosen
Usually, a desk with a comfortable chair is the best kind of homework space. But remember, homework doesn’t always involve writing.
Kids don’t often want to do reading tasks at a desk, so try to make sure they have varied spaces they can go for quiet time.
It could be as simple as installing:
- A dimmable lamp for the bedroom, so they can read in bed
- A hammock chair in a study, so they can swing while they read
- A bean bag, sofa, or chair in a quiet area, like a second lounge or hallway
- A comfortable chair for the backyard, preferably undercover, so they can read in the fresh air during warm weather
#2. Reorganize your kitchen for more efficient evening dinners

Getting your kitchen reorganized before school starts will make mornings and dinnertimes more efficient. If you’re not ready (or don’t need) to remodel your kitchen, take some time to get things organized instead.
Only you know what will make cooking easier at the end of the day, before you take the kids to their clubs or settle down in the lounge.
But, to give you some inspiration, some of the best things to do to prep your kitchen for back-to-school are:
1. Clean out the fridge, pantry, and cupboards
Now is a good time to clear out any expired food leftover from summer. Set time aside to complete a methodical sweep of all your tins, condiments, jars, sauces, packet foods, and snacks to see if everything is still in date.
2. Purge anything you don’t need
We all have things in our kitchen we never use! Do a quick stocktake of all your gadgets, pots, pans, cups, etc., and donate/sell/give away anything you don’t need or use anymore.
3. Check appliances and replace as needed
The last thing you want to do when school starts (and life gets busy again) is to replace your oven or fridge after it breaks! Check the running order of all your appliances and order new ones, as needed.
4. Update your storage facilities
Us homeowners know we can never have enough storage space! Consider ways to improve and organize how you store things in your kitchen. Some excellent ways to get organized (and enjoy better aesthetics) are to invest in fridge trays, tin shelves, new cutlery drawers, lazy Susan’s, spice racks, and more!
#3. Prep your outdoor spaces to extend the season

Just because summer’s over, that doesn’t mean you have to give up eating dinner outside as a family! Make summer last longer by prepping your front and back yards for the start of fall.
To maximize the potential of your outdoor spaces, consider investing in things like:
- A cover over your patio – So you can enjoy dinner, dessert, or a glass of wine in the fresh air, under shelter from the wind and rain
- Patio heaters – To keep your outdoor spaces warmer and more useable, even during cooler weather
- A fire pit or fire table – To create a new space you can relax in the evening, play games as a family, or host dinner parties
- A porch roof – So you can comfortably use the space at the front of your house as well as the back
#4. Spruce up your entryway to make coming home easier

Your entryway is one of the most important, but most easily overlooked, areas of your home. It’s where everybody goes at some point throughout the day, and its overall vibe can significantly impact your mood coming home.
Giving your hallway a spruce before school starts takes some planning, but it can make every day feel brighter and less stressful. Some of our favorite ways to rejuvenate your hallway are to:
- Declutter shoe cupboards – To make room for new school shoes
- Install extra hooks – To help you prepare for hanging new winter coats, gym jackets, school blazers, and rucksacks
- Refresh the doormat or install a fitted entryway rug – Protect the cleanliness of your interior with a snow and ice melting doormat (if you’re expecting snow this winter), or a heavy-duty coir mat (if the kids always have dirty shoes!)
- Touch up paintwork – Add some color to your porch or hallway! Paint a bright color, like white, cream, pale yellow, or pastel green, to add cheer to your mornings and evenings
#5. Declutter bedrooms to start the new year fresh

Before school starts is an excellent time to declutter bedrooms, both yours and the kids! Having a deep clean before the new school year can give everyone space to refocus.
Get your kids involved in a declutter project and have them help purge any belongings they no longer need. Work methodically, one room at a time, and pay attention to things like:
- Clothes
- Shoes
- Accessories (like bags, belts, scarfs, hats, etc.)
- Toys
- School supplies (like pencils, pens, full-up notepads, post-its, etc.)
- Books
After decluttering, it’s a good idea to start planning any new project ideas you’d like to achieve over the next school year too. Consider what your family may need as they get older and whether you’d like to complete any remodel projects, like:
- Installing a new ensuite to teenager’s bedrooms
- Converting a playroom to a walk-in closet, study, or guestroom
- Adding larger, built-in closets to bedrooms
- Extending bedrooms, so your kids have room to grow in them
- Reshuffling layouts to create space for double beds
Back-to-school can bring parents a sense of relief, sadness, excitement, or dread about going back to the old routines. Whichever emotion you’re feeling about the start of a new year, your home will be your constant.
Taking time to give the house a deep organize may be the last thing on your mind, but it can help you approach the new year with a fresh sense of self.
After all, when your home design helps you rather than hinders you, family life can run smoother, no matter how much mess, homework, or muddy shoes come your way!